#grpartners: Shopsys, Experts in e-commerce platforms

19. Feb 2023
InsightTraditionally, we end the year at the Christmas party🎄, and the end to the content we created in 2022 with this article. 👋
A recap, a THANK YOU, and news pertaining to the year 2023. All of this was learned first by the GoodRequest team, directly from our CEO Tomas. They're awesome. They made us want to dance, too. 😅
The dance was preceded by Secret Santa. This year we exchanged gifts within teams and they made us happy! And none of the Santas definitely put limits to their imagination.
After the gift giving and the fancy dinner, we took advantage of the fact that we are (almost) all together at last. We talked a lot, danced a lot and took some team photos. We'll let those speak for themselves. 😉
We'll see each other again skiing in a few weeks. We look forward to sharing photos and experiences with you 😉. With love, GoodRequest.