18. Sep 2024

Is a mobile app necessary for your e-shop?

The answer is not so simple... Mobile apps are an increasingly popular tool for increasing sales and customer loyalty, but are they really essential for your business? Answer these key questions before starting the project.

Mobile applications are ubiquitous today - we use them for communication, shopping, to-do lists and entertainment. It seems obvious that the big e-commerce players have their own application. At the Upterdam 2024 conference, we will also discuss whether investing in a mobile application for e-shops is really beneficial, or whether it is just a passing trend. The answers to the following questions will help you to find out whether the development of an application is really necessary for your business.

Do you really need a mobile app or is it FOMO?

Start by analyzing your industry. How many of your competitors already have their own mobile app? If the answer is "more than a third" and you don't already have one, you may feel like you should act now to keep up. This feeling, known as FOMO (fear of missing out), can lead to hasty decisions. Therefore, it is important to think about whether the development of the application really solves a problem, or whether it is just a reaction to market pressure.

What problem do you need to solve?

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Think about the biggest challenges your e-shop faces. Are you worried about high customer support costs? Are you noticing a high number of abandoned carts? Or are customers constantly asking for improvements to your services? If similar problems are repeated, a mobile application can be the solution that will increase your efficiency and improve the quality of the customer experience. However, before you start developing, investigate whether there are other, less expensive ways to solve these problems.

Can you solve the problem without the app?

This is the key question you should answer. Sometimes it is enough to improve an existing website and optimize it for mobile devices.

However, if you want to offer customers advanced features that a regular website can't handle, such as augmented reality to visualize products like in the IKEA app, a mobile app can be a must.

What return on investment do you expect?

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Mobile app development is a long-term investment that requires careful consideration. However, it can bring you significant profits if properly designed and implemented. Companies like Notino show that a mobile app can be a significant part of the turnover. Their app accounts for up to 30% of annual turnover and brings higher customer retention and lifetime value compared to the web.

How does the application save costs?

Mobile apps can reduce customer support and marketing costs. Thanks to the application, you can get more direct visits and reduce dependence on PPC campaigns. At Notina, they noticed that app users had significantly higher engagement and conversion rates than web users, allowing them to optimize customer acquisition costs.

Sustainability and development of the application

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Application development does not end with its launch. You'll need a long-term plan to maintain it, update it, and develop it based on user feedback. Cooperation with a high-quality digital agency will help you not only with the development itself, but also with the constant improvement of the application so that it reflects the current needs and demands of customers.

Marketing and communication

Even the best app needs marketing. To acquire and retain users, you need to promote the app effectively. This includes not only traditional channels such as social networks and PPC campaigns, but also special offers, partnerships or optimization for the app store. It's important to have a separate marketing budget for your app and a well-thought-out strategy to ensure that as many potential customers as possible find out about your app.

Conclusion: Is a mobile application the right choice for your e-shop?

A mobile application can be of great benefit to your e-shop if it is designed and developed with specific customer needs and business goals in mind. If you're not sure where to start, it's important to have a clear strategy to help you identify whether investing in an app is really the right move for your business. At the Upterdam conference, you will have the opportunity to discuss these questions with experts and be inspired by practical examples that will help you make the right decision for the future of your e-commerce business.

Take the survey!

Do you want to better understand your customers' preferences and take your e-commerce business to the next level? Fill out our questionnaire and consult the results directly at Upterdam 2024. 👇

Adam RakúsProduct Designer