Embedded games in mobile apps: Make your app more attractive

28. Jun 2021
AndroidAre you starting your career as an Android Developer or are you considering entering the world of Android and not sure what IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio are for? In that case, I hope this article makes it more clear. You will learn why these tools are for, what they have in common, what are the main differences plus we are using them for.
An IDE, or integrated development environment is a software that makes it easier for development teams to develop applications. Android Studio as well as IntelliJ IDEA represent just this type of software.
In fact, the they are very similar, Android Studio is based on the IntelliJ IDEA, which is a more general IDE tool and allows you to create code for a wider range of platforms. Android studio, as many of the name implies, is specialized just for the Android platform.
According to a JetBrains studio, who created the IntelliJ IDEA, this IDE has been designed to maximize developer productivity, primarily through ergonomic design and intelligent coding assistance. Although IDEA is a general IDE, plugins allow it to be used for development on multiple platforms, such as: Spring, JavaScript, Type Script, Angular, React Native, and many more. However, it lacks some of the specialized features that Android Studio includes, such as APK analysis support.
As I mentioned in the introduction, the main idea is that Android Studio specializes closely in the development of android applications. However, in addition to the many basic functions he took over from IDEA, it has many functionalities that make it easier to work and interact with functions on mobile phones using the Android platform, such as support for Android device emulator, Device explorer, Layout validation tool or Layout inspector.
We in the Android team use Android studio vast majotrity of the time. In case we want to present to others (snippet code, algorithm, everything not related to Android) we will sometimes use IDEA.