Exploring our iOS toolbox: sharing our codebase with the world
27. Aug 2020
iOSThe iOS department in GoodRequest works on projects such as Tipsport, ZSE drive, Nehnutelnosti.sk or Bistro.sk - food via the Internet. These are really useful applications used by thousands of people. However, large projects require a large "skill". Where possible, we simplify or streamline our work. We will share our iOS tips with you.
SHIFT + CMD + O opens a window similar to spotlight, where you can search for things like specific files by name, function, method, and variable.
Option + <-, Option + -> moves the cursor to the beginning of the current or previous word. If you also hold SHIFT, you can also mark the word.
The shortcut SHIFT + CMD + L opens a window with all the elements that can be dragged and pasted into the design.
Use the shortcut CMD + S to take a screenshot of the simulator screen.
When you are debugging a lot and using breakpoints, you can easily disable/enable all of them with CMD + Y shortcut.
In simulator you can show/hide software keyboard with CMD + K shortcut, but you need to connect hardware keyboard with Shift + CMD + K first.
Are you missing any shortcuts on the list that you use? Share it with us and text me on LinkedIn.
Are you an iOS developer? We are looking for new members of our iOS Order! Join us.